Tuesday 28 July 2009

Sibebe Survivor

On 26 July 2009, Rotaractors from the Manzini club joined thousands in the 6th Annual Sibebe Survivor Challenge organized by the Rotary Club of Mbabane-Mbuluzi. The event seeks to raise funds to finance the club's service projects. Last year over 1500 survived Sibebe and about E120,000.00 was raised.

Once again the challenge was to walk a distance of about 6km to the top of Sibebe and down again. Sibebe is amongst the world's largest single granite outcrop.

The club took part in the event and supported in 3 levels:
1. Corporate Sponsor: 1-Team of 6 members @ R1000.00
2. Individual @ R100.00 each.
3. Service: helping carry out a few errands
In total about 12 members took part in the event and it turned out to be an exhaustive, life threathening and exciting day...where we lead, connected and served our Rotary Community.

Also represented was Uniswa Rotaract club who were represented by their president and of course the host clubs' new generation Mbabane-Mbuluzi Rotaract who helped with the event's protocol procedures as of the previous day.

Whilst there was a lot of moaning & groaning as many struggled to get to the top of Sibebe, our Team pressed on for the ultimate prize. It was a defining day in many a lives who took part in the event as it turned out to be a test of character. A few almost turned back(if none did) as they grew tired of the journey that seemed to lead nowhere.

Thumbs up to the Rotaractors who woke up early Sunday morning to take part in the event, help with protocol and most imporatantly surviving the challenge. It was good to see, members of the sponsor club (Manzini Rotary Club) in the event as well. We did represent.....

We were definitely up for the challenge

1 comment:

  1. we thank all those who participated in the event, next year awaits are you up for the challenge.i would also like to thank the Malkerns rotaract club for their assistance at the registration.Q
